Monday, June 09, 2008

Take a pick..which one are YOU?

All articles of opinion come with it a necessary and unavoidable eventuality, that is of the 'anti-opinion' = The comment of the people.
I guess before I am chastised for the honest rendition of what I have seen happening and will probably STILL go on, forever and ever, (unless we put our foot down and say *NO MORE!) let me ask you this?

What role will you assume in responce?

I have made this question more rhetorical with helpful answers to aid the Malaysian public.

Your options are:


Those who fall under this category would say,' How could he write all this, so terrible one, so selfish la he and yada yada yada, missing completely the burden of proof which they havent offered in responce. The way forward is to shoot down and walk away, feeling happy that they have ridiculed what they do not see, and therefore could not invision (THEY A..R..E THE 'SELF PROCLAIMED' ALL KNOWING). Since they may not satisfactorily bring down the accusations, they will summon the POWERS OF GRAYSKULL(those of you who are He-Man Fans, I mean you no offence,*hehe), and CONFUSE their weak-minded (+/- moronic colleagues who are more worried about leaving work early and whether they can avoid a RM2.70/liter petrol sucking jam, to reach home 2.5 minutes before their counterparts and say they DID IT!), to join in and wage war. But for what, who cares..As long as many do it, the sence of 'they are part of a GREAT RESISTENCE team', however dumb they may be, is surely lost in passing.


Those who fall under this category would take the time and read what I have to say, and TRY and understand that there are always 2 sides to a coin and I must have some level of proof before putting situations into words. But pondering is what they're good for. Then they go sip on their pina coladas and chomp on their tortillas and get secretly miffed that the world around them sucks. They tuck themselves in bed, sipping hot milk, and the next morning, same difference. They wait for change to happen on someone elses watch and if its good, they reap the benefits. If its bad, its pina coladas all the way...


Before even reading the complete article they get angry. Anger and hatred cloud them and they literally find confrontation the solution to the worlds problems. Who cares about giving it some thought, argue first and think later. As with most bulls, they're ugly, get turned on when they see red AND eventually, people clap hands for the person who shooshes em away, sending em back to their play pens for the next bull fight.


He may or may not agree with whats written but is too scared to say anything in responce, as he treasures acceptance by a community filled with IGNORANT STUCKUPS WHO MASQUERADE AS FRIENDS(More like FIENDS), rather than being truthful to himself, to his profession, to his r..e..a..l..friends, to Hippocrates and above all, to MANKIND.


He cannot possible take the fact that the system he treasures so BLINDLY is full of flaw and the flaw is imbedded so deep that is has become PATHETIC ACCEPTABLE NORM. He is confused and pissed at the same time, that his world is crumbling due to the compelling evidence of anomalies so significant, its hard to ignore anymore. His once 'Anne of Green Gables' life is a phony.Why try and change when getting revenge is an easier option. He huffs and buff and blows everyone around him (* figuratively please). But when the dust has settled, and the branulaes are all set and about to bunk, its too late, he has made a fool of himself thinking that revenge, however sweet, isnt a problem solvers ally, but instead, an 'evil karma' reaper. You will most likely be a MAGGOT in your next life.


This is my all time fav answer. He who possesses the ability to mentally work out and appreciate, the possibility of truth/s in the accusations and facts, and not jump into the 'hate-wave', or the 'denial-wave'. What has he got to lose? The slight inconvenience that reality too from time to time needs a DEFIB. He has ALL to gain, for realisation is the first step to improvement, and without improvement, we might as well be ibid dunces who sing to the tune of monotonous familiarity and false sence of what life is.

So let me ask you again, who are you?
(*Preety tough considering how noble option F is,*har har har) Are you one or are you all? Stop hiding in your coccoon of comfort, and realise one thing, if you start by making a positive change, and others follow suit, we ARE making this world of ours a better place to work and to live. And surely thats a good thing....

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