Sunday, June 08, 2008

Ignorance is bliss..

Did you ever wonder how it is POSSIBLE that :
a. 98.2% (hypothetical number) of all 'medical' related deaths in the medical wards are ALWAYS due to Acute Coronary Syndrome(ACS).

b. 1.7% of all 'medical' related deaths in the medical wards are ALWAYS due to 'Septicaemia'.

c. 0.1% of all 'medical' related deaths in the medical wards are due to FAIRLY DIAGNOSED diseases.

d. 98.2% of all 'surgical' related deaths(deaths from the various surgical subspecialities) are due to Severe Head Injury.

e. 1.7% of all 'surgical' related deaths are due to 'Septicaemia'.

f.0.1% of all 'surgical' related deaths are due to FAIRLY DIAGNOSED diseases.

g. 98.2% of 'anesthetic' deaths are due to ACS.

h. 1.7% of 'anesthetic' deaths are due to POOR OPERATIVE TECHNIQUE.

i.0.1% of 'anesthetic' deaths are due to PROPERLY DIAGNOSED diseases.

j. There are NO deaths from 'ANESTHETIC CAUSES' ever.

h.50% of times in O.T, SOMEONE or the other WILL tell the surgeon/junior surgeon/M.O,'You have to hurry up and close faster'.

i.50% of times in O.T,SOMEONE or the other WILL tell the surgeon,'Your M.O the other day arrr...He arr....(something that would get the M.O in trouble).

j.50% of times in O.T,SOMEONE or the other WILL tell the 'Junior Surgeon','WHY cant the senior surgeon come and do this case!, we need it done fast'.

k.50% of times in O.T,SOMEONE or the other WILL tell the Surgeon/Junior Surgeon/M.O,'We NEED more blood NOW, and expect them to UNGOWN and run for it'.

l.50% of times in O.T,SOMEONE or the other WILL call the ward up 30min-1hour before the case is over, only for the ward staff to wait at the airlock with all the gear for long periods of time, just because they do not want a slight delay in hurrying a patient off.

m.98.2% of times in O.T,SOMEONE or the other WILL scold the ward for sending the patient late to O.T.

n.50% of times in O.T, SOMEONE or the other WILL call the patient from the ward during PASSOVER time, and the poor nurses and attendants who would love to go home to a hot meal and family would have to stay longer for fear of annhialation from the O.T staff.

o.98.2% of times in O.T,SOMEONE or the other WILL scold the ward staff for 'The monitors you brought have run out of battery etc etc', but fail to realise that they waited for LONG HOURS outside O.T, SO, D.U.H,surely the battery will surely wear off!

p.98.2% of times the O.T staff WILL BLAME the ward for constantly being late in their work WITHOUT understanding their problem of shortages and admissions. They DO NOT have an airconditioned lounge area, time to eat, time to sleep on stretchers in the recovery bay or time to shower, IN THE WARD.

q.98.2% of the time, HOUSEOFFICERS AND JUNIOR MO's are not given due RESPECT due to their junior position. They are ALL doctors nontheless, RESPECT IS DUE TO THEM!

r. There are NEVER delays in the ANESTHETIC department that they WILL EVER own up to.

s. All MODERATE risk patients are HIGH risk to the Anes team, and if the poor patient dies on table, it is SOLELY the fault of the Surgeon or ACS, ALLWAYS.

t. Blaming another team, for what they didnt do.yada yada yada,resulting in patients death is NORM, but no one offers CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM on how to AVOID SUCH PITFALLS again!

u. There is RARELY an EMERGENCY O.G.D.S by the SURGICAL team,due to the FLAWLESS QUOTE,'Optimise the patient first, then we see'.

v. An ILL upper G.I.T bleeding patient who is NOT optimised belongs to OTHER DEPARTMENTS if the patient happens to HAVE 'ANY' OTHER COMORBIDITIES.

w.An ILL upper G.I.T bleeding patient who IS optimised belongs to OTHER DEPARTMENTS if the patient happens to HAVE 'ANY' OTHER COMORBIDITIES.

x. ODD HOW ALL serious polytrauma patients in casualty BELONG TO NEUROSURGERY until proven otherwise, with or without a CT BRAIN.

y. ODD HOW ALL serious medical patients in casualty BELONG TO CARDIOLOGY until proven otherwise, with or without an ECG/Trop T/History of chest pain/Relevant comorbidities.

z. SOME departments CAN KEEP A PATIENT WAITING IN CASUALTY AGAINST THE CASUALTY DOCTORS ORDERS demanding all sorts of SPECIFIC SCANS (eg : Doppler flow to rule out vascular injury perhaps?) FOR HOURS AND HOURS.

To all of you who know me, you know that I mean well and harbour no ill feelings to any of you, because I know how your work is like and I respect you and what you stand for. You are my dear friends.

To those who FEEL this post is derogatory, speak up and let me hear you side, so I may better understand what it is that you do and why does it involve double standards. I am open to correction anytime. Make me understand why we cant work together and in the process, not hurt each others feelings and pride?

To those of you who FEEL hurt by this post, ask yourself, IS IT YOU who do the things mentioned and what is your JUSTIFICATION? If you are just, then you should not feel hurt at all.

To those of you who FEEL indignant, tell me why? Please. I would like to understand how bringing down and constantly victimising your other colleagues ARE acceptable.

To those of you who CONCUR that this is happening and you are only WATCHING as it does, MAKE A CHANGE and lets all WORK TOGETHER.

We are all HUMAN, and we have feelings. Whats WORSE than hiding behind cruel departmental NORMS is actually FOLLOWING departmental NORMS without realising the bad in what you do or say.

I say have COMPASSION FOR YOUR COLLEAGUES, YOUR FRIENDS. We are all on the HOME TEAM, all at par and striving for the same thing, namely excellent patient care and maintaining our own sanity while we work hard everyday.

To those of you who are team players, I SALUTE you and ADMIRE you. Above all, I RESPECT you for sticking to your convictions, principles and being FAIR to those around you. Patients COME 1st, PERSONAL ISSUES 2nd.

Only as ONE TEAM, we can pick ourselves up gracefully when we fall, to the comfort of knowing we did our best and those around us,our brothers and sisters from our profession, appreciate our efforts , without fearing the blame game and the real evildoers . No malice, no fear, no hate, no prejudice, only the spirit of FAIRPLAY , the sence of BELONGING and GOOD work ethics.
Is this too much to ask for?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

after reading your blog, i can imagine the kind of frustration and unjust behaviour of others that must have irked you to write all this with total honesty and keeping in mind that the bare truth spelled out is never taken well by others. i know you as one of the most compassionate ,hardworking and meticulous doctors, from the days we started as no nothing housemans.what u have penned down is totally true and it takes courage to openly talk about it unlike the rest of us who acknowledge it and grumble about it behind each others this juncture all i can say is, my friend, always keep ur conscience clear and never let the irresponsible and ignorant shake ur intentions which are pure and humble. there is a lot of bad goin around but never give up on the good.keep ur chin up for the good work you do everyday,for the struggles u take to make a little difference at the most difficult moments and for the righteousnes you uphold.because these are the same things you would have told the rest of us in our moments of despair.