Monday, June 09, 2008

Let me explain........

Thats all of us working together, someday..

For the benefit of my readers, I would like to get this out in the open. Whatever I write, I DO NOT mean to attack a person/persons unless I say so. I mean NO HARM to the departments in questions, namely to the NEUROSURGERY, CARDIOLOGY, ANESTHESIOLOGY, SURGICAL and other departments I have quoted.

Its the FEW ROTTEN APPLES that give the rest a bad name and as a consequence, the rest feel like their names too ARE being dragged in the mud. This is NOT true. If you feel so, I think you swallowed the wrong pill, and its lavage time! Yee haw! * Sounds of me preparing that goooiey black stuff they shove down your throats when you gulp down tablets and such* or does *Fuellers EARTH* sounds crueller...Hmmm...

ELABORATION : I'll daringly use religion to substantiate my rationale.

Analogous to the examples set forth below, i truly hope you see what I see..

I do NOT blame HINDUISM for the actions of Hindus killing people in the northern border town of India and Pakistan.

I do NOT blame BUDDHISM for the killing of innocent Tibetans.

I do NOT blame ISLAM for the actions of a few radicals blowing up the innocent and waging war as a solution to end disharmony.

I do NOT blame CHRISTIANITY for producing BIASED films like FITNA and SPREADING wrong notions of ISLAM.

I do NOT blame TAOISM for what the communist do in North Korea.

We all know that people WILL seek refuge under the security of an ESTABLISHED ENTITY, like how all STUPID MORONS use RELIGION and DO NONSENCE, hence giving the actually 'INNOCENT' RELIGION the BAD NAME instead. All religions are magnifique, its the MORONS that wrongly practise them that are SHAMELESS and should have their KAHUNAS CHOPPED OFF!


I do NOT blame THE DEPARTMENT OF ANESTHESIA, THE ANESTHESIA M.Os WHO DO CARE(those who dont will surely know who they are, they cant hide forever) and ANESTHESIA in general for the actions of select MORONIC people under their wing who do as they please and set PRECEDENCES OF ARROGANCE AND SUPERIORITY,EVEN WHEN THEY ARE OUTRIGHT WRONG, resulting in oppression of others. To me, they are they, the rest who are DOING A GOOD JOB are not involved in the dealings of the rogue few, so please dont feel like i'm hurting you on purpose. I'M NOT :)
I do NOT blame THE DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY, THE SURGICAL M.Os WHO DO CARE(those who dont will surely know who they are, they cant hide forever) and SURGERY in general for the actions of STUCK UP COCKY DIM NUTS who do as they please thinking they have the 100% backing of their department, when truthfully, the department does NOT know that SOME of them DO ALL THIS RUBBISH and GET AWAY WITH IT.

The fate of the CRUMMY EVILDOERS in due time...

I do NOT ..darn tiring when cannot cut and paste...must complete..*har har..I am sure you understand that my intentions are to be as fair as can be, and I do it because I care. No other reasons.

* I think Niebuhr said it beautifully...

1 comment:

~Yasmin ~ said...

wow.. not delete any of ut posts!!
its all super brilliant!
and's mind-blowing!
i must say each post is the bomb!!
