Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Our roles in life : Prospective vs Retrospective?

I had this really interesting chat last Saturday bout the whole concept of existence and the different roles we play, then the statement we are here for a 'reason, season, or a lifetime' came up all of a sudden, not by me, but by a member of the chat team. It had seems that due to our dear Miss Facebook and her lovely forward button, this saying had travelled the world.

Then THE question was posed, if indeed this statement holds true, do we fix our roles before jumping into a bond, or is it the other way round?

Let me explain, the questioner said this, if we predetermine that we will only be acquantainces/friends for a season, how much are we willing to do for this person, if our role is only limited by this statement?

The eternal question is, which came first, the 'egg or the chicken'..Similarly, are our roles predetermined, or does life itself, wonderfully lived thru struggles and heartaches = The final determinant?
The chat was underway, sleeves roled up, biceps flexed, lipsticks reapplied*(for females only okaay), curles straigtened, and hairs were made into buns :) What would the answer be? Some people would feel that this is an OPEN AND SHUT CASE, no need for elaboration..I say its the opposite of the chicken and egg dilemma..No end in sight, the chat was turning nasty..cups of coffee were added to the equation, hoping a quick answer would save the day...

Is it wrong of me to say that i believe we determine our roles only at the end of OUR journey..that we give it our all, be ourselves, offer kindness unconditionally, and see how far we go with one another, building strong bonds as we go along? Are we 'saving' the better qualities of ourselves ONLY for the ONE, and until that 'being' surfaces, we behave half heartedly,SAVING THE BEST OF OURSELVES, so as to NEATLY AND SYSTEMATICALLY ATTACK the ONE once the one when he/she is identified?

I say nay!
If this were true, that this is the ONLY TRUE MEANS OF 100% SURITY OF GRAPSING MR/MS RIGHT, how much of ourselves do we keep tucked away till the day comes, if it does come, that we are acquainted with THE ONE?

Do we tuck away the best of ourselves, so much of ourselves, that it eats us up without knowing it...Becasue WE ARE TRICKED INTO FEELING so so so so UNMISTAKABLE, that when the certain someone comes along, our Pandoras box of self accumulated wealth will pour out with such VIGOR and CERTAINLY MESMERISE THE OTHER?

My rationale, being unorthodox, drew doubtful looks from the crowd, and I was gunned down for failiing to comply. But am i all that wrong? What are we waiting for? Are we afraid we will get tired of being who we are when the TRUE MS/MR RIGHT comes along, THAT WE JUST CANNOT FOLLOW THROUGH ANYMORE? But if indeed the above statement IS true, our lifes should be preordained and everyone should come with a label on their foreheads saying 'short term friend','long term friend','enemy' or 'soulmate'..but we all know this isnt true. Shouldnt our destiny be determined at least after 3/4 of the journey or 3/4 of the effort, if indeed our intentions are pure?
Shouldnt a role be finalised retrospectively and not prospectively?

What say you to the idea, that based on OUR actions and personality, and our ENTWINED FATES, will the ROLE of the other be CLEARER..nothing is written yet, or even better, nothing is chiseled in our lifes and in our hearts, as yet, as its for US to decide by the day, everyday...Put a boy in an island alone and he is a survivor, put him in a field and he is an athlete..what happens when you put an 'athlete' on a 'island' and tell him ,'you're a athlete, behave as one? Expecting him to run lapses around the deserted island?.
Our roles change, courtesy of our surroundings,coupled with the need for us to be more than who we are, to be the pillar of support for those around us when support is needed and to be more than we could ever dream of! We are only limited by our lack of imagination, by our fears...

Let our actions, our care, our kindness, our charm, our honesty, our true self and by CIRCUMSTANCES..ONLY these + THE COURSE OF OUR LIFES = Be the determinants required to label someone, if he's a person who will last a season, or only for a reason, or more than that..NO ONE COMES WITH ONES ROLES PREFIXED AND HIS DESTINT PREORDAINED, or does he? It is your actions + thoughts + willingness to better ourselves that define us and our role, and as we evolve, so will our role..and thats what i'd like to call hope..We all have second chances....

Yes this is tiring, to be positive thru many, to be strong and be let down, to be happy and then deserted, to smile when there is no guarantees, but hey, isnt this what its all about..?

How would we feel if we went into housemanship and labels of our carrier be tattooed on our foreheads like lab rats, eg: U = PAEDIATRICIAN ,HE = OBSTETRICIAN, SHE = DUMBO CHRONIC MO, ME = ANESTHETIST.

I believe this, dont you?

Where is the freedom and joy in having a role preordained, and not subject to blossom from sheer passion, relentless drive, ambition and neverending effort?
I guess for me, Gilda Radner said it best (the top most caption)

It was an interesting Saturday after all....

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Philosophy of Malaysian Road Users..

I have been wondering for a long time now, what makes Malaysian road users who they are? I mean, from the little travel experience I have, there has not been such similarity in road ethics or the lack thereof,in other parts of the world, in us all, well most of us that is!
*Har har har...

I've some interesting ideas on the subject, what say you?


Ever notice how, when you overtake someone, or you happen to drive slightly slower than the speed limit and someone cuts you off, they turn their heads in a almost 360 degree angle and STARE at you! I'm sure if they had daggers they'd throw em over too..It happens all the time and every single day, that i think it's inbuilt is most Malaysians. They would not mind speeding up, even missing their turn, just for the HECK of sending their STUPID UGLY FUCKED UP STARE your way OR their TINY SADLY MANICURED MIDDLE FINGER! LOSERS...

Combo package : The stare and the finger

(*graphical illutrations, the MORONS are ugglier)

Wonder why? Here's my theory.

These MORONS, or LOSERS have LOSER lifes. They get bullied at work, have really small KAHUNAS and get teased relentlessly from everyone, and then go home to a loser companion who also gives em crap.
So, they wait, like how a predator waits for its prey, and ta daaa..They use the ROADS to get even..Where else can they be FREE TO BE IN CONTROL than ON the streets, espcially if they're some buff dude with a tattoo 'TINY' on his arm! I'm sure THE ROADS are the last frontier that respect can be earned and people intimidated = source of pride and dignity for some. Such delusions!

The last frontier of respect?

STUPID LOSERS with a capital L.

Grow up SHITHEAD! No one cares about your loser life and what you have to do to redeem yourself, especially not on the streets. Stop endangering lifes of the innocent, and cause fear in others. Just bang your head against the wall if you need respite, OR, you could choose to grow up.


Ever wonder why when you attempt to cross a zebra crossing in Malaysia, a car, more than a mile away will speed up and try to KNOCK YOU DOWN? He wants to TEACH YOU A LESSON, NOT TO CROSS THE ROAD WHEN HE'S DRIVING! So what does the loser want you to do, FLY OVER HIM? Stupid clown with a capital C. How many people I have seen die a terrible death because some inconsiderate PUNK is speeding on the roads and cares NOT for the lives of man? TOO MANY.


Ever notice how there is always someone who would speed up at the very last moment when the traffic light is about to change to red or is red already, at the HIGH RISK of knocking down someone from the other way?

What is he thinking? STUPID LOSER. He S..E..R..I..O..U..S..L..Y.. thinks he's HAMILTON and could pull it off, without endangering lifes? REALLY STUPID LOSER, period. Why? To reach home 1.5 minutes earlier + say 'I DROVE LIKE F1 STYLE ON THE ROAD' (*misguided joys of the tiny brained).

How many deaths will it take to TEACH YOU A VALUABLE LESSON not to speed you moron! I have seen too many deaths already, from such circumstances that it is apalling. DESPICABLE. How many times you think I see people being brought in stretchers with their brains in a separate plastic bag, after being hit by such a person? TOO MANY.

Yippee kar yay! &^$^#$&^##@$^%(*))(*

Grow up, be safe and be kind on the roads.


Whats wrong with this picture..

New world order. Thats what is needed badly. Maladjusted mindsets + traditional misconceptions are destroying meaningfulness. How I wish there truly was a MORAL compass with true DIVINE doctrine to guide the world we live in today to end all suffering. Its true.

Ask yourself, what ARE the obcessions of our society nowadays?

1.True or false?

Keys to success : A car, a good job, a house, 20 A1's in PMR, 30 A1's in SPM, straight A's in UNI, a hefty bank account, a wife, 3 kids, happy in-laws. That sums up society. Any absentees = crucifiction! And you ask why people these days are prone to suicide and depression, and in the process, lose the WILL to LIVE. How can we PUSH SO HARD?

Last year, a standard 6 girl hung herself because she did not do well in UPSR, and recently, a young girl jumped from her apartment because her mum scolded her for performing poorly in the recent school exams?
Late last year a young lady hung herself, at home after her fiance decided not to marry her at the very last minute, and she could not bear the shame of the whole incident and to face her familys judging eyes and cruel comments...
WHAT IS WRONG WITH SOCIETY & US? IS IT 'RIGHT' that these GRUESOME incidents should happen in todays world?

2. True or false?

Ask anyone on the street, who would they dream of being, and NO ONE would ever say MOTHER THERESA. Some would even ask MOTHER WHO? Volunteering, kindness, help for the needy, charity and compassion are all things we read in books and WILL NEVER be appreciated. Remember, its someone elses 'JOB'. Being kind and charitable are not TRENDY TRAITS, and would be forsaken at the drop of a hat for modern day luxuries.

3. True or false?

People close one eye to the suffering of others. Does the world really care there's an earthquake in China, a ravaging cyclone in Burma, famine in Euthopia, war in Iraq/ South Africa/ Burma/ Afganistan/ Pakistan. As long as we have 3-6 square meals in a day, a comfortable bed to sleep in, a good job and a predictably happy life, ITS SOMEONE elses 'JOB' to sort the problems around us, as we are too important to help out.

4. True or false?

Recently a poor girl had to suffer the embarassment and social humiliation when her husband of one night, after finding out she was not a virgin, went to court the very next day after their first night to ANULL the marriage?

What will happen to this poor girl? Would she not be CHASTISED by society for what her selfish idiotic 'husband' did? IS VIRGINITY THE SOLE MEASURE OF LOVE? And since she is NOT A VIRGIN, IS IT R..I..G..H..T TO HUMILIATE HER?!! Where did all the PROMISES + VOWS go to? THIN AIR!!?

I think the guy involved should have his OWN SELF CHECKED, as every MASTURBATORY MOMENT + WET DREAM would constitute he losing his virginity, or ESPECIALLY if he ever SLEPT with someone else, DARN 2-FACED IDIOTIC HYPOCRITICAL BASTARD..ARE YOU A VIRGIN YOURSELF BEFORE YOU DEMAND THAT OF YOUR WIFE? SEXIST BASTARDS!

So if you yourself are not a virgin, but your wife is, that's OKAY? Even if you have slept with countless women, and with societies misconception about women being virgins, IT IS NOT YOU WHO WOULD BE SHUNNED OR LAUGHED AT BY SOCIETY, BUT, IT IS THE POOR GIRL WHO WILL FACE A LIFETIME OF SHAME. What will happen to her now? So she deserves to be labelled and joked at and laughed at and spit on because of her past indiscretions, which may not EVEN have been intentional?

5. True or false?

Killings, murder, entrapment, rape, stealing and violence are increasing in number.

In AUSTRIA, a 'SICK BASTARD' man kept his daughter in a underground chamber for 24 years while raping her repeatedly + she bearing 7 of his children.

In BURMA, the now in power Junta army kill, rape and torture its people with no help in sight. Can you imagine a government who would KILL those who are caught watching watch RAMBO IV, because it depicts the violence that the Junta are notorious for?(true trivia)

In ROME (13/06/08), a family in southern Italy kept a woman locked in a room in their house for 18 years because they were angry she was pregnant out of wedlock.

In AFGANISTAN (14/06/08), a roadside bomb killed four U.S. Marines in Afghanistan.

In GAZA (14/06/08), 6 people were killed and more than 60 were injured Thursday when an explosion ripped through a senior Hamas commander's house.

In AUSTRALIA (2006), 3 men and 2 teenagers pleaded guilty to raping a10-year-old girl in an Outback community.

In IRAQ (June 2008), prominent tribal leaders, including the head of Saddam Hussein's Sunni tribe and 2 others who had been working for national reconciliation, were killed over the past 24 hours in northern Iraq.

In CHAD (June 2008), rebels on the offensive in east Chad on Saturday attacked a town ringed by refugee camps.

Havent we experienced enough suffering in the world, that NOT only does Mother nature have the right to tip the balance of nature, BUT , STUPID EVIL MEN HIDING BEHIND GUNS, BOMBS, TANKS, LAND MINES, and 'HOLY REASONS', also have the SAME POWER for carnage and abomination?

6. True or false?

Religion, instead of bridging our differences, is used to separate us further. In the name of upholding 'religion', wars are fought, people are oppressed, tortured and made to suffer, children are killed, the innocent are inprisoned, women are raped and abused and homes burnt. Does religion truly advice for such means to an end?

How come we have all sorts of congressess in the world, but none on religion. I think, to end this query of religious doubts, we should holD a 'WORLD CONGRESS OF RELIGIONS' and get at least the top 10 persons of each religion there is, including the POPE, all important ISLAMIC SCHOLARS and IMAMS, HINDU PRIESTS, BUDDHIST MONKS, SIKH CLERICS, BAHAI gurus and those who speak for the other religions, sit them in a room with loads of coffee and LOCK THEM UP, THROW AWAY THE KEYS, TILL they work out their differences and the DIFFERENCES of all religions, till there is ABOVE ALL, UNDERSTANDING.

I would tune in religiously, to see people with the caliber and knowledge such as that of Mr. Ahmed Deedat (God Rest His Soul) battle it out with Brother Swaggart with the POPE watching and answering in between, amidst hot debates between the ANCIENT HINDU BELIEFS AND BUDDHISTS, and the others religions of the world, with the GOAL of F..I..N..A..L..L..Y understanding EACH OTHERS RELIGION and reaching a DIVINE DOCTRINE OF UNITY between all religions....Is this so hard just to agree to agree or agree to disagree on points that have bewildered the different religions for centuries?

After which, ALL RELIGIONS, will FINALLY learn to work together. Would this be the resolution the world needs to seek religious 'closure' AND once and for all settle our differences? Why has this not been done YET? Hasnt the world existed for billions of years, what are we waiting for, for Superman to rebuild Krypton or for the Autobots to kiss and make up with the Deceptocon bums?

I WISH, before its too late, that there is change in the mindset of man. If man is unsure of what to do, why not ERR to the side of goodness and not darkness? Surely in goodness, no matter how obscure its meaning maybe, there in lies REDEMPTION and the promise of goodness is ETERNAL BLISS.

The day when we can all just p*** together and not compare sizes & shapes!

I believe, in life, no matter how confused we are on what next to do, who next to hurt or who next to help, as long as all our decisions have in it a surity that it is the right thing to do, we will not stray far from the divine path, which rewards all acts of GOODNESS.

If all our acts and thoughts are based on this notion, that the outsome must be 'TO DO GOOD', we have indeed already won.

Lets not give up yet. There's more to life than the picture painted by our IGNORANT society, impervious to change and adaptation, and blinded by shallow goals. There's more to life that a degree, a job, a car, a house and $$$. YES society has its markers of success, and surely those who have the above mentioned are GODS IN THE EYES OF MEN, but what differentiates you from the REST OF MANKIND?

Are these markers a measure of how wholesome you are, and when we reach the gates of heaven, WILL THESE ALONE speak for us and will our SOCIETY APPROVED MATERIALISTIC GAINS & THE RESPECT THAT IT generates be enough to secure a passage to the heavenly gardens? ONLY YOU can answer this question.

If indeed THESE ALONE are ENOUGH PROOF HOW 'HUMAN' WE ARE, I am SURE there would NOT be THE HOLY BIBLE, or the QURAN, or the vivid texts of the GITAS, for in replacement, the WORLD would be filled with ACCOUNT LEDGERS + BANK BOOKS + EXAM CERTS + A NICELY BOUNDED CURICULUM VITAE, waiting to impress GOD!

Whatver happened to the eternal bliss of finding true love,true joy, a world filled with peace & without suffering, ample kindness to go around , true friendships, honour, principles, respecting one another, charity, compassion for those less fortunate, a world without pretentiousness, a FAIR world, without OPPRESSION, and by far, but surely not least, a world existing as ONE BIG HAPPY FAMILY.

Are we measured by the right traits after all? Do WE OURSELVES see OURSELVES by the right light? Are OUR GOALS complete? Do we EVEN consider these notions worthy in the first place? Is it part of our daily lifes, in practise?

If we do not practise within our own lifes and within ourselves the above, who and what are we waiting for, really?

Think about this for one moment.

YOU decide for yourself.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Avril Lavigne's Innocence- Fantastic song!

Waking up I see that everything is ok
The first time in my life and now it's so great
Slowing down I look around and I am so amazed
I think about the little things that make life great
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling

This innocence is brilliant, I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect, please don't go away, I need you now
And I'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by

I found a place so safe, not a single tear
The first time in my life and now it's so clear
Feel calm I belong, I'm so happy here
It's so strong and now I let myself be sincere
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling

This innocence is brilliant, I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect, please don't go away, I need you now
And I'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by

It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry

It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry

It's so beautiful it makes you want to cry
This innocence is brilliant (It makes you want to cry)
This innocence is brilliant

Please don't go away 'cause
I need you now and I'll hold on to it
Don't you let it pass you by(It's so beautiful it makes you want to cry)

This innocence is brilliant (It's so beautiful)
I hope that it will stay (It's so beautiful)
This moment is perfect
Please don't go away
I need you now and I'll hold on to it (It makes me want to cry)
Don't you let it pass you by

Monday, June 09, 2008

Let me explain........

Thats all of us working together, someday..

For the benefit of my readers, I would like to get this out in the open. Whatever I write, I DO NOT mean to attack a person/persons unless I say so. I mean NO HARM to the departments in questions, namely to the NEUROSURGERY, CARDIOLOGY, ANESTHESIOLOGY, SURGICAL and other departments I have quoted.

Its the FEW ROTTEN APPLES that give the rest a bad name and as a consequence, the rest feel like their names too ARE being dragged in the mud. This is NOT true. If you feel so, I think you swallowed the wrong pill, and its lavage time! Yee haw! * Sounds of me preparing that goooiey black stuff they shove down your throats when you gulp down tablets and such* or does *Fuellers EARTH* sounds crueller...Hmmm...

ELABORATION : I'll daringly use religion to substantiate my rationale.

Analogous to the examples set forth below, i truly hope you see what I see..

I do NOT blame HINDUISM for the actions of Hindus killing people in the northern border town of India and Pakistan.

I do NOT blame BUDDHISM for the killing of innocent Tibetans.

I do NOT blame ISLAM for the actions of a few radicals blowing up the innocent and waging war as a solution to end disharmony.

I do NOT blame CHRISTIANITY for producing BIASED films like FITNA and SPREADING wrong notions of ISLAM.

I do NOT blame TAOISM for what the communist do in North Korea.

We all know that people WILL seek refuge under the security of an ESTABLISHED ENTITY, like how all STUPID MORONS use RELIGION and DO NONSENCE, hence giving the actually 'INNOCENT' RELIGION the BAD NAME instead. All religions are magnifique, its the MORONS that wrongly practise them that are SHAMELESS and should have their KAHUNAS CHOPPED OFF!


I do NOT blame THE DEPARTMENT OF ANESTHESIA, THE ANESTHESIA M.Os WHO DO CARE(those who dont will surely know who they are, they cant hide forever) and ANESTHESIA in general for the actions of select MORONIC people under their wing who do as they please and set PRECEDENCES OF ARROGANCE AND SUPERIORITY,EVEN WHEN THEY ARE OUTRIGHT WRONG, resulting in oppression of others. To me, they are they, the rest who are DOING A GOOD JOB are not involved in the dealings of the rogue few, so please dont feel like i'm hurting you on purpose. I'M NOT :)
I do NOT blame THE DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY, THE SURGICAL M.Os WHO DO CARE(those who dont will surely know who they are, they cant hide forever) and SURGERY in general for the actions of STUCK UP COCKY DIM NUTS who do as they please thinking they have the 100% backing of their department, when truthfully, the department does NOT know that SOME of them DO ALL THIS RUBBISH and GET AWAY WITH IT.

The fate of the CRUMMY EVILDOERS in due time...

I do NOT ..darn tiring when cannot cut and paste...must complete..*har har..I am sure you understand that my intentions are to be as fair as can be, and I do it because I care. No other reasons.

* I think Niebuhr said it beautifully...

" To do is to be " - Nietzsche, " To be is to do " - Kant, " Do be do be do " - Sinatra

Food for thought perhaps? Lets see what you have to say..
a. Ever wonder why people who have to que up in Banks and Postoffices, or even in our very own 'char koay teow' stalls for hours on end, do NOT complain or write complain letters, but if they come to the Emergency Department or Outpatient Department for crap complaints, and delayed 2.5 miliseconds, they KNOW HOW TO COMPLAIN & suddenly they ALL HAVE A1 IN KARANGAN!?

b. Every prick has a right to an M.C. If you do not give them one, they COMPLAIN.

c. Everytime the public complain, the doctors are WARNED to comply, or else...(*Swwiiing..head chopped off by Monsiour Sweeney Todd)

d. Who R..E..A..L..L..Y.. supports doctors in a fight? Maybe the Insurance touts or Undercover undertaker spies that lurk around casualty,*har har..

e. Why do people get MAD when a case of UTMOST URGENCY is referred to them at 4.59pm? Can anyone predict when a persons GCS is gonna drop or when he's suddenly gonna go into status epilepticus?

f. Why doesnt anyone open the MRI Room after hours to do urgent MRIs for eg : PREGNANT PATIENTS WHO HAVE A MVA WITH ICB/INTRAAB or even A SPINAL TRANSECTION PATIENT? Is it fair to subject the pregnant mums to dangerous levels of radiation from a CT scan/Xray because POLICY states the KEYS TO THE MRI ROOM is held by the KEYMAKER (from the Matrix) and only NEO can open them in the morning? Where's Morpheus?!! I have seen many a time that poor mums are subjected to this, because of CRAP policy!

g. Why does one not use the PET-CT machine for CT scans when our CT scan machine is broken down? Why the need to send unstable patients to PRIVATE HOSPITALS and DRAIN PRECIOUS RESOURCES : A doctor, nurse & attendant needs to follow the patient, the casualty driver needs to send them there vs attending to URGENT ambulance calls, oxygen tank usage(what about the oxygen for ward patients), for example in the Neurosurgical Ward, the poor attendants have to load and unload HUGE oxygen tanks for use in the whole ward because we do not have centralised Oxygen supply,use of the ONLY portable ventilator in the ward and the RISK of the patient collapsing there and HELP is all the way in Penang Hospital?
What happens if the ETT dislodges in the CT scan machine at the private hospital? The private Anesthetist is going to come from his home STAT and intubate him again, in case the M.O accompanying cannot do it? What about the ventilator settings for paediatric patients who are sent there for scans, who will help calibrate the machines? OH YES, i forgot, we have 30 M.Os and 15 nurses per shift r...i...g...h...t(* WTF!??)

So when one nurse accompanies the patient, the other nurses who are already overworked have to cover the other patients, and imagine the work, the reports and the amount of injections she has to give? What happens if more than 2 patients collapse in the ward at the same time? LOGISTICS LOGISTICS LOGISTICS..LIFES ARE LOST BECAUSE OF SELFISH LOGISTICS,but hey,since its NOT THE LIFES OF VIPs, then i guess ITS ACCEPTABLE huh??!!

Did you know that the PET CT machine could also be used for CT purposes? And its of quite decent quality too...I GUESS things like these are HUSHED up cos SOME PEOPLE DONT WANT MORE WORK, although it means LIFES WOULD BE SAVED! Sigh..the fally of selfish human hearts...and it STILL goes on..

h. How can certain departments want 'ALL' INVESTIGATIONS KNOWN TO MANKIND done in CASUALTY before admission? Do they think the casualty doctors have no other work to do? ITS NOT A DAYCARE CENTRE FOR TRIAGING, its the CASUALTY DEPARTMENT FOR GODS SAKE!?

i. It would ne NICE to see the PEJABAT PENGARAH STAFF answer their GODDAMN PHONES between 1-2pm??!! I called them once, someone answered and said,' We all need rest from 1-2, so call after 2, i am taking a napp'. Fuckhead!?? The arrogant prick...Maybe next time, the Neurosurgical M.O will not assess GCS during lunch hours in case a patient collapses or the Cardiology M.O will not PCI a patient who reaches the CATHLAB at 12.59pm because THEY WANNA LUNCH, or better yet,maybe the Anes M.O wont intubate a patient at 12.58pm because he needs to take a napp? BULLSHIT BEAUROCRATIC LAZY ASS FUCKHEAD ATTITUDE..LAZY FUCKS...THIS is a HOSPITAL, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A 'LUNCH BREAK' WHERE NO WORK IS DONE!!!?!????? SHIT FOR BRAINS PEOPLE! SELFISH AND DUMB AND COCKY at the same time! Its a miracle we evolved from APES..i think its more like we evolved from AMOEBA! SINGLE CELLED SHITHEADS!( *am sorry, attitude like this makes me BOIL!)

j. What about departments which turn off their lights from 1-2pm,cos its LUNCH BREAK. FUCKHEADS..(* Dont believe me, take a walk during that time, and see for yourself). Maybe to get even, the casualty/O.T/ICU/CCU/CICU/NEURO ICU should also TURN OFF THEIR LIGHTS THEN?!! What say you we even the playing field a little?

k. People who call you up in the ward only to ask you what you're doing there?! What do you think? Getting a haircut?

l. People who take hours to clerk 1 patient in the ward when others are clerking 4-5 using the same time. Do you ACTUALLY THINK they do not realise what they're doing?

m. People who see 1 patient for HOURS during WARD ROUNDS, especially over WEEKEND ROUNDS, while their other colleagues see 10 during the same time. Do you ACTUALLY THINK they do not for 1 moment realise what they're doing and are FREAKING SELFISH KIASU SHITS?

n. People who leave ward work to the on call person. They SUCK dont they!?

o. People who pretend there is no work in the ward and sit at the counter talking while their colleagues scurry about like headless cockroaches settling ward errands!? They SUCK dont they?!

p. People who PARK their car behind yours and LEAVE THE HANDBREAK UP, so when you're POSTCALL and WISH ONLY TO GO HOME TO YOU BED AND MEAL, you SIT by your CAR like a MORON and sleep off on the ROAD, COS the asshole doesnt come even after the announcement is MADE on the hospital PA?OH yes, by the way, THEY WONT ANSWER THE GODDAMN PHONE TO MAKE THE ANNOUNCEMENT DURING 'LUNCH BREAK'. Trust me, i've had experience!

q. Why cant TOW TRUCKS operate in the HOSPITAL COMPOUNDS when thieves can?(* My staff nurses car was STOLEN from the MAIN STAFF CAR PARK IN THE EVENING and also, a colleague got her bag snatched!? while walking to the car park). Who cares about the security of doctors anyways? We're expendable the last i checked!

r. ISNT IT LIKE STEALING FROM A BEGGAR when people steal from the DOCTORS ONCALL room?(*and i mean not the ONCALL food, which is also stolen from time to time).We SAVE your lives and YOU STEAL from US you ungrateful SHITS!?

s. Wearing LABCOATS = MEASURE OF SUPERIOR WISDOM AND HARDWORK, the cleaner the better. Go figure?!

t. When you PAYCHECK/CALL CLAIMS/TRAVEL CLAIMS are not banked in, no one from the OFFICE GIVES A SHIT, its your fault for NOT checking!?

u. If a medication is not served to a patient, ITS THE DOCTORS fault for not checking.

v. If a patient does not leave his BED AFTER BEING DISCHARGED,ITS THE DOCTORS fault for not forcing.



y. If a doctor DIES while transporting a patient in an ambulance, HE GETS NO COMPENSATION. They may even say why did he go, shouldnt the specialist with medical insurance coverage have gone?( *hinting that the poor doctor fought his way to spend 6 hours in a prehistoric ambulance to go all the way to KL and then pass away from an accident).Its his fault for dying.NO RESPECT, NO CARE, NO COMPASSION, that what this is!? And which specialist in HIS RIGHT MIND WILL VOLUNTARILY RISK HIS LIFE and go in an ambulance on a 6 hour journey, sitting in the backseat with the patient, unsure whether even he will make it ALIVE?

z. FEELING SLEEPY, DEPRESSED, WORN OUT MENTALLY & PHYSICALLY POST CALL = SOMETHING YOU HAVE TO LIVE WITH. Who cares if there arent enough M.Os/H.Os in the ward and you have to work the same way on your post call day, against extreme fatigue, difficult patients, smug bosses and STILL receive 'INFARCTED REFERRALS' = Referrals from UTTER MORONS, maybe even go into O.T for another 5 hour OP, just as your specialists come back from a LONG LUNCH.Oh OH OH OHHH hold on, THEY WERE DISCUSSING THE RISING PETROL PRICES (THAT THEIR POCKET CHANGE AND ENTERTAINMENT ALLOWANCE CAN PAY FOR EASILY) + SHORTAGE OF M.Os/H.Os..How nice of them?! AWWW..CHO SCHWEET...
So untill there comes a time a poor unfortunate doctor dies post call from driving into the divider because he is SO SO SO SO tired, NO ONE WILL CARE enough to get enough doctors to run their departments. PERIOD. (*I pray no one has to DIE to prove a point)

When is all this going to END?
The end..

Take a pick..which one are YOU?

All articles of opinion come with it a necessary and unavoidable eventuality, that is of the 'anti-opinion' = The comment of the people.
I guess before I am chastised for the honest rendition of what I have seen happening and will probably STILL go on, forever and ever, (unless we put our foot down and say *NO MORE!) let me ask you this?

What role will you assume in responce?

I have made this question more rhetorical with helpful answers to aid the Malaysian public.

Your options are:


Those who fall under this category would say,' How could he write all this, so terrible one, so selfish la he and yada yada yada, missing completely the burden of proof which they havent offered in responce. The way forward is to shoot down and walk away, feeling happy that they have ridiculed what they do not see, and therefore could not invision (THEY A..R..E THE 'SELF PROCLAIMED' ALL KNOWING). Since they may not satisfactorily bring down the accusations, they will summon the POWERS OF GRAYSKULL(those of you who are He-Man Fans, I mean you no offence,*hehe), and CONFUSE their weak-minded (+/- moronic colleagues who are more worried about leaving work early and whether they can avoid a RM2.70/liter petrol sucking jam, to reach home 2.5 minutes before their counterparts and say they DID IT!), to join in and wage war. But for what, who cares..As long as many do it, the sence of 'they are part of a GREAT RESISTENCE team', however dumb they may be, is surely lost in passing.


Those who fall under this category would take the time and read what I have to say, and TRY and understand that there are always 2 sides to a coin and I must have some level of proof before putting situations into words. But pondering is what they're good for. Then they go sip on their pina coladas and chomp on their tortillas and get secretly miffed that the world around them sucks. They tuck themselves in bed, sipping hot milk, and the next morning, same difference. They wait for change to happen on someone elses watch and if its good, they reap the benefits. If its bad, its pina coladas all the way...


Before even reading the complete article they get angry. Anger and hatred cloud them and they literally find confrontation the solution to the worlds problems. Who cares about giving it some thought, argue first and think later. As with most bulls, they're ugly, get turned on when they see red AND eventually, people clap hands for the person who shooshes em away, sending em back to their play pens for the next bull fight.


He may or may not agree with whats written but is too scared to say anything in responce, as he treasures acceptance by a community filled with IGNORANT STUCKUPS WHO MASQUERADE AS FRIENDS(More like FIENDS), rather than being truthful to himself, to his profession, to his r..e..a..l..friends, to Hippocrates and above all, to MANKIND.


He cannot possible take the fact that the system he treasures so BLINDLY is full of flaw and the flaw is imbedded so deep that is has become PATHETIC ACCEPTABLE NORM. He is confused and pissed at the same time, that his world is crumbling due to the compelling evidence of anomalies so significant, its hard to ignore anymore. His once 'Anne of Green Gables' life is a phony.Why try and change when getting revenge is an easier option. He huffs and buff and blows everyone around him (* figuratively please). But when the dust has settled, and the branulaes are all set and about to bunk, its too late, he has made a fool of himself thinking that revenge, however sweet, isnt a problem solvers ally, but instead, an 'evil karma' reaper. You will most likely be a MAGGOT in your next life.


This is my all time fav answer. He who possesses the ability to mentally work out and appreciate, the possibility of truth/s in the accusations and facts, and not jump into the 'hate-wave', or the 'denial-wave'. What has he got to lose? The slight inconvenience that reality too from time to time needs a DEFIB. He has ALL to gain, for realisation is the first step to improvement, and without improvement, we might as well be ibid dunces who sing to the tune of monotonous familiarity and false sence of what life is.

So let me ask you again, who are you?
(*Preety tough considering how noble option F is,*har har har) Are you one or are you all? Stop hiding in your coccoon of comfort, and realise one thing, if you start by making a positive change, and others follow suit, we ARE making this world of ours a better place to work and to live. And surely thats a good thing....