Monday, December 22, 2008

The emptiness of home..

A home should never be empty. It should be a place where one feels secure, protected, never alone and at least, safe. Going back to an empty house isnt an easy experience. It is no more a home. Where does one go then to feel part of something, to belong, to be among loved ones..

Day by day the pressure mounts to make ends meet emotionally, to find that happy place, that place of solace that once was home. How does one do that? Patience is wearing thin, the chill void of fear, the fear that we have lost meaning and importance grows stronger by the minute..

Cant home be home anymore. It used to be fine, even when no one was around. Why not anymore? Why cant things be simple anymore? Why cant those that brought joy before bring joy tomorrow? Silence has never been so scary. Peace of mind has never been so distant. Its disturbing. 

Saturday, December 20, 2008

An argument gone awry..a fitting end to 2008

I couldnt believe what i was listening to. I knew having long discussions with people are sometimes a waste of time. Its better having whole brainstorming sessions in ones head, figuring all possible retorts that the other may throw back at you, including the low blows, cause this lessens the pain. Wonder whether doing this is norm, or is it better to engage in verbal battle, expecting to come to a truce, before too much emotion comes in and makes everything look worse than it actually IS?...i wonder whats the best approach.

To NOT discuss could be misconstrued as 'How do you REALLY know that was what i was going to say? You think me so BAD?' + 'You didnt try hard enough to work things out'


To discuss = Full verbal and emotional tete-a-tete, could lead to (In the mind) 'SHIT, I knew i shouldnt have spoken out loud, who REALLY gives a shit bout honesty and truthfulness, its just gibberish people use to make them feel holier than thou and to seem civil'.

Its been many times, over the years in fact,that i have tried to find a common ground about the issue above, but to no avail,seriously. But only 2 days ago did i feel like i've had enough.ENOUGH of having to always GIVE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT whilst people step on you and drag you in the mud. MAKE you feel wrong when you're not, MAKE you feel like you've not put enough effort but when truthfully, u've put in more effort that truly your existence could put no more without losing it.

Its utter bullshit.

Its no wonder some people resort to anger. Some even cave in and hide behind the emotional-bunker of sudden solitude. I thinks its the subconscious telling FUCK OFF, if after many many many many many a time, that they've had to be the sacrificial lamb of the argument. How much giving in can one take? How much strength can one have? How much resolution can one have over principle overcoming adversity, that pushes a person to work tirelessly at salvage?


ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Too much tears, too much time, too much effort, too many promises, too many instances of NOT REALISING THE SACRIFICES OF OTHERS..JUST BASICALLY TOO MUCH IGNORANCE that it begs ANGER IN RETALIATION.

NO MORE living in the comfort of comfort, that there is another helping hand at all junctures. It takes effort, care, consistency, passion, principle and more effort to keep it alive. IT DOES.

ITS TIME YOU DID SOME THINKING OF YOUR OWN. FIND SOMEONE ELSE YOU CAN USE AND ABUSE, with no promise of anything. With no promise of even a decent friendship..WIth no promise of decency, of respect, of sincerity, of appreciation..

How long can you keep telling the other your stand? Must one be a constant reminder that one would like some care and concern handed to him from time to time..even a dog knows he's going to get a biscuit from time to time, even a dog..

When you step on a man too long, you awaken his angry side. His vengful side, and if that happens, do NOT expect kindness. You made HIM this way, you insensitive brute of a person...Its time you grew up to your ways..Its time..

It was a silly discussion. One should never have even had to speak of. I know you know what i mean. I am tired of having these talks. Tired. Find someone else to play dumb with. How could you say that of me? Me of all people.

I think civility, in all its glory can also fall, it has limits, even effort,formed from undying care and passion can be torn apart, and patience, one of the most precious of virtues, next to trust,can be broken forever.

Futile arguments with a careless person is a waste of effort, time and emotions. Thank you for showing me this.

Clint Eastwood said it best, with the poster above..this is the time...

If life were a hotel..

I just got back from Kuantan yesterday and it was a fabulous vacation indeed,i mean meeting. I stayed at the Hyatt Kuantan,just by the sea and it was one of my best hotel stays yet. Got me thinking about something, and if you feel it lame, do skip. I am entertaining my flamboyancy today. :)

If life were a hotel, how nice it would be!Ever get that heavenly feeling in a hotel atmosphere, other than the comfy rooms and facilities? It struck me as i realised how i yearn life to be similar.

Whereelse can one meet people most polite and smiley all the time, and go the extra mile with pleasantries and with very minimal judging going on?

Whereelse can it be always well lit and soothing to the eye and ears, from the wee hours of the morning till sundown, no eerie silences or feeling alone per se, basking in comfort and exclusivity?

Whereelse can one not worry bout a messy room, towels on the floor, finishing soap, an ever refilling mini bar and the most comfortable bed ever?

What about all this put together appeals so?

a. The idea that there exists a place on earth where people can be civil and polite, even if its part of a job.

b. The idea that there exists a place on earth that believe that warmth and effort go a long way, and are virtually universally loved traits.

c. The idea that there exists a place on earth that makes our worries go away with bright lights, off-white cosy lounges and music that tickles the soul?

d. The idea that there exists a place on earth that believes in preaching romance, fun, joy, liveliness,and the joys of living,not merely existing..

I think we all yearn a happy place, where the world and its suffering,racism,evil and cruelty stop at its entrance and pleasantries begin. A place that has the kindness we wish, the smiles we miss and the warmth we so want to feel.

That place does seems..Amen..

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

If only the mind was a canvas...

If you're someone who appreciates feeling, expressing , setting yourself free from the rules that bare us down, and the beauty of touch, you will know what i mean..

Sometimes we yearn to be heard, without prejudice. 

Sometimes we yearn to feel, without limits. 

Sometimes we yearn to speak out and bare our thoughts and innermost unhappiness, without concern of the ramifications.

To express without worry, to feel without suppression, to care without rules..

If only the mind could be canvas of eternal expression, then one would not need to be dependant on ones surroundings to feel human, to feel in touch and in tune with the world. 

How nice would this be? If we could actually see, feel and let feel the contents of our minds and alas be fulfilled..

Sometimes, i wish i could hold on to the good memories and relive them as if they were here and now and forever. The feelings of content and of satisfaction, no more longing for something more,of the power of love, of sincerity, of friendship, of priceless. 

I wish i could hold on to such moments forever.. 

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Friends who live in 'lala'land..need to be cooked! Haha..

Have you ever come across people who say things and do things that annoy you but later are oblivious to doing those things? I think they are in a world of their own. 'Crummy denialites' who go around being oblivious to the hurt they have caused, and when they feel like it, turn around and look suprised when people are not happy with them, unwilling to give in to them to return the 'pseudo'world they invented to the 'happy' world they desire.

Some of us are non-fighters. We give in to those around us whom we care for, and let the small things go by, without lashing at them, only because the truth is, people do make mistakes, even the best of us.

But what if these 'crummy denialites' do something of really irratating proportions, then go into prolonged obliviousness and then suddenly, out of the blue, demand that things get back to the way they were JUST because they want it to be, not willing to acknowledge that what they did to cause this uneasy situation is something terrible to begin with? Something that isnt forgivable easy? Do we retaliate with our arsennal of weapons of mass destruction, nuclear even, to gain control of a situation lost? And to what extent? Should we constantly be the first step, even after telling the other, or hinting, that all IS not well and they've done something wrong to cause this uneasiness?

When do we know to just let them be? And the hurt that their ignorance has caused? While they themselves, in blissfull ignorance, brand you as too sensitive and that what has happened CANNOT be faults of theirs in any way possible?

Its funny how this works. War on one side, and peace on the other? Is that how life is, sooner or later? Is this how things also are in Ellysium?

Well, as practical and forgiving as we are, practicality and forgiveness are gifts we should save for loved ones, who have in the past, proved time and time again, that they are wonderful people who have made our world complete.

To those who border this reality, they should be so careful not to think they fall into this category and expect the perks too. How selfish can they be? Conveniently ignorant and hurtful and at the same time, put no effort into the resolution, but wanting complete forgiveness and life be 'rewinded' to that moment when all was hunky-dory..I like the audacity of hopers, such is the irony philosphy...

Why do you think they yearn this unfair outcome for themselves? Impregnable selfishness? Self centeredness of bastardly proportions? They think the world is their oyster or 'lala'? Ha ha..Think again..

I think deep down, they yearn the comforts of being in the company of people who do care, who put effort where effort was not expected of them, people who believe in living with as just and principled as the mind sees, and above all, sincereity.In a world built on lies and cheats, wouldnt you yearn the company of someone/s who are above all, never willing to compromise on goodness, and thus their existence around you is as true as you get? Lending meaning to the phrase, 'you are the friends you keep'?

Then someday, these very people, who exude sincerity and care without second thoughts, aid in making life seem right, and that your world is meaningful with people who DO care alot?

Sometimes, i think people like this shouldnt be accorded this luxury. Such relationships are works in progress, not sudden eruptions. They are that voice from the other end saying 'its ok' when 'its not okay'. They are the 'smiles' that come after the hurricane of problems that have ambushed us unexpectedly, and they pick up the pieces with us. They are proove that we are important in this life, thats why they are there for us. Should such luxuries be deserved by lesser mortals who take us for granted and are then oblivious about it, only to keep being oblivious about it? IS this fair?

Its funny how i relate this to a short line from Die Hard 4.0, where in one scene, the terorists show on TV, the line which sounds a little like this,' what if in an emergency, you call for help and help is not there?'....

God blesses us with people who are that voice of reason. They appear in our lifes, leave a mark and hide in the shadows, looking over us with their presence. In harms way, they shine for us. In troubles, they hold our hands. Even if Armageddon is minutes away, they text us saying goodbye and they miss us. To me, no gift in this world, beats having a friend like that. And to take such people for granted when times are good, and leave them wondering what they did wrong, and then want things to get back to the way they were only to satisfy selfishness and ego, now thats a cardinal mistake, and in the realm of meanigful friendships, is punishable by Guillotine..To me at least..

If we spend time and effort investing in empty pursuits, why not, put a little effort and try and work on relationships that matter, people who do care for us in a world full of pretentious leeches who are just waiting to suck us dry and leave us to rot, people who wish us well, when they have no strengths left even..

Such a friendships take insurmountable effort and consistency..But in the end, we would have found, that pot of Gold at the end of the rainbow, after the rain...and that is what its all about..

Ode to my audience..

Its been a while, and i find myself this Sunday afternoon, in the company of the rain again and these two lizards who've made my home theirs. I havent been blogging for a while now, and reasons of which evade me. Alas, why not write a note of appreciation i thought, so i dedicate this entry to a dear person, my audience of 1.

Its a nice feeling indeed knowing that in this world of fast paced traffic and a constant need to prove oneself, there are people such as you, a dear person who takes time and cherishes the beauty of life and its intricasies. I've never met someone so in tune with their feelings such as yourself, who literally lives and let live. Work hard, love hard, be kind, be warm and be sincere your existence screams..

I thank God for bringing you in my live, and i thank you for making me belive in me, in what i am, in who i am, thanx to your outlook on life and the finer comodities you trade. You have restored my faith. Sometimes, we all need to hear things, and see things, and experience things, that make us believe that our existence is real, practical and true. We need to find someone, with impeccable standards, morals and principles, who believes in life more than what we have been 'trained' to think and expect. Thank you for being that proof.

You make a significant difference in the lifes of those around you. You embolden that goodness begets goodness, that kindness without concern of the effort involved is worldly and possible, that family and friends are indeed Godly blessing on earth worthy of efforts of such magnitude, it would make Mount Everest look like a really big Lemmington with tons of coconut, easily devourable..

I know it pains you now, to go through the thorny path you now have to traverse. Will the end of this path be laden with promises of happiness? I am sure it will be.

This walk you have to take is not one you walk alone dear, and that is a promise.

Hand in hand, we will brave this. Remember, you are special. You are adorable. You are unique. Thank you for being you, my dear friend... :)

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Rainy duet

What a day its been. Lying comfortably in my Ecko Unlimited blue sweater, in the cosy comforts of home, with a chilly breeze and the hazy hills over the window pane. A good book in hand. The simple solitude..
Lets pray for whats important, for those who matter and for a better tomorrow.
Wish i had toasts with a yummy omelette (with chillies and onions), coupled with home made coffee and excellent banter company as that would be truly,
a day in heaven..


I wish there were a simple way to explain things, and it not be complicated all the time. Can anything be simple anymore? I miss being a child, without worries, basking in ignorance. True to simplicity, all a child cares is whats on TV, whats for dinner and whats going to happen in school tomorrow +/- other things..
Have you ever felt that 'awareness' is really a curse? Awareness + a conscience = A horrible curse.When a person is aware of something, either by himself of after being pointed out by someone, and if conscience is also rife, how does one carry on,disregarding the new found awareness? The answer is, one cant.
Being strong is tiring. Being hopeful is tiring. Being caring is tiring. Being fair is tiring. Being truthful is tiring. Being consistent is tiring. Being non judgemental is tiring. Being sincere is tiring. Being unhippocritical is tiring. Hoping for hope is tiring. Alas, its tiring to be aware. Its lonely to be aware. Its lonely to be tired all the time. Its tiring to be lonely all the time. But isnt there supposed to be a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Hopefully when the pot is found, gold has value, meaning.Please God let there be..
Who cares anyway. Oh wait, hope does not allow one to give up the search for meaning. But till what end? Hopeful a near end. No point finding the answers at a point of life where life itself is not livable. Please God let life make sence then..
Please God, let me have the strength to carry on the good fight, for me and the ones i care for. Please dont le me give up before the fight is won, and before the rays of heaven shine down on all of us..
Please God, forgive me for my ignorance, stupidity, assumptions and moments of weakness.
Please God, take care of all of us, of those i care for and me, from harm, from bad people, from difficulty, from suffering.
Please God, let hope be real, and guide us all, to a worthy, fulfilling end.
Please God dont give up on me and the ones i care for..
A colleague and friend has passed away a few days ago. Her youthful exuberance will always be remembered. Life is indeed short. Life is surely unpredictable. Lets make each day count. She made each day count, and when her time came, it made no sence.
Maybe our idea of time and HIS idea of time is different? Is it the quality vs quantity?
Maybe so. She so lived.
Like how Andy Dufreynne, from the 'Shawshank Redemption' once said,'If you're not busy living, you're busy dying'.
Lets get busy living. Its the living we can steer, the dying we leave to the powers that be.
Yee Hoon, I know you're in a better place. You were always a gentle, kind and cheerful person. You were always a humble and capable doctor.
God bless you wherever you are, and always look out for all of us okay.
Take care.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Even life has rules,it seems..

It makes sence to say, that if we spend time with a good book in hand,especially of the non-fiction genre, we are indeed not by ourselves, but literally, in the company of the author of the book in concern, in realtime. His views are our muse, albeit it has to be read, so the actuality is,reading keeps us in good company, if the author is someone respectable. Follow me so far..

More often than not, we constantly look for meaning and guidance from our own surroundings; family, friends, work, the market etc etc, but i should say,at the risk of sounding a little recluse, that good books are also a form of guidance, and not so much importance have been -placed on them. The reason i bring out this point is because i have just read this book, first published in 1978 by an eminent psychiatrist, M. Scott Peck, entitled ,'A Road Less Travelled', and the experience was enhilarating.

If felt as though the author was just by my side, bantering his views, and it was truly a joyful read, as true to the realm of psychiatry and its rules, life itself, actually, has rules. These rules are never taught to us, and most often than not, we are left by ourselves to make our own way,so to say, which is not a bad way to grow up. But what if, before heading out on this perilous journey, and making not only small harmless mistakes, but enormous mistakes of terrible proportions, we are told that there are some 'loose' rules that apply to life itself, to our family, to our friends, to ourselves, to love, to relationships and to God.

What if we have some guidance per se, before comitting ignorant errors and forming personalities so detrimental that they are irreversible?

If you have a chance to read this book, please do. It is a beautiful rendition of simple practical rules that would come in handy in our lives, and they make so much sence. I am not saying that, since i have now read this book, i am thus 'impearmeable' to correction, not that at all, all i am saying is that i am now humbled. Somethings i have believed in so dearly, so blindly, are so wrong, and others, things that i was never sure made sence, i do know now that there is someone out there who has the same opinions, and to me, that is such a relief.

I am so suprised that these 'rules' of life were around since the 70's (since this book was published first in 1978, and republished many times after that), that no one thought it important enough to share.Such a loss.

There is so much work to be done on a personal level, it is almost unbelivable.

I shall try and pen down a few things i felt were beautifully mentioned by Scott Peck, and i hope i in turn make sence. I will attempt to lift small poignant passages directly from his writing to avoid sending the wrong message across, and divide them accordingly. Let the revelations begin..

1. 'Life is difficult'. once we truly understand and accept it, then life is no longer difficult.The first of the 'Four Noble Truths' which Buddha was taught was 'Life is suffering'. Discipline is the basic set of tools we require to solve life's problems. The 4 tools of discipline are delayed gratification, acceptance of responsibility, dedication to truth and balancing.

Delaying gratification : process of scheduling the pain and pleasure of life in such a way as to enhance the pleasure of meeting and experiencing the pain first and getting it over with.

2. Many people simply do not take the time necessary to solve many of life's intellectual, social or spiritual problems.Problems do not go away. They must be worked through or else they remain, forever a barrier to the growth and development of the spirit. This inclination to ignore problems is once again a simple manifestation of the unwillingness to delay gratification. Confronting problems is painful. To willingly confront a problem early, before we are forced to confront it by circumstances, means to put aside something pleasant or less painful for something more painful.

3. We must accept responsibility for a problem before we can solve it. We cannot solve a problem by saying 'its not my problem'.We cannot solve a problem by hoping someone else will solve it for us.The extent to which people will go psychologically to avoid assuming responsibility for personal problems, while always sad, is sometimes almost ludicrous.

4. The problem of distinguishing what we are and what we are not responsible for in this life is one of the greatest problems of human existence. It is never completely solved; for the entirety of our lives we must continually assess and reassess where our respobsibilities lie in the everchanging course of evets. Nor is this assessment and reassessment painless if performed adequately and conscientiously. To perform either process adequately, we must possess the willingness and the capacity to suffer continual self examination. It is only through a vast amount of experience and a lengthy and successful maturation that we gain the capacity to see the world and our place in it realisticaly, and thus enabled to realistically assess our responsibility for ourselves and the world.

5. The difficulty we have in accepting responsibility for our behaviour lies in the desire to avoid the pain of consequences of that behavior.

6. Truth is reality. Our view of reality is like a map with which we negotiate the terrain of life. If the map is true and accurate, we will generally know how to get there. If the map is false and innacurate, we will generally be lost. The world itself is constantly changing. The biggest problem of map-making is not that we have to start from scratch, but that if our maps are to be accurate,we have to continually revise them.The process of making revisions, particularly major revisions, is painful, sometimes excruciatingly painful, and herein lies the major source of the many ills of mankind. (i think the author is implying that even our principles, born from our experiences, are not nearly perfect and they too need amendment from time to time, as we mature). The painful effort required seems frightening, almost overwhelming. What we do more often than not, and usually unconsicously, is to ignore the new information. Rather than try to change the map, an individual may try and destroy the new reality. Sadly, such a person may expend much more energy ultimately in defending an OUTMODED view of the world than would have been required to revise and correct in the first place.

7. Transference is that set of ways of perceiving and responding to the world which is developed in childhood and which is usually entirely appropriate to the childhood .Truth or reality is avoided when it is painful. We can revise our maps only when we have the discipline to overcome the pain.To have such discipline, we must be totally dedicated to the truth.This is to say that we must always hold truth, as best we can determine it, to be more important, more vital than our self interest, than our comfort.Conversely, we must always consider our personal discomfort relatively unimportant and, indeed ,even welcome it in the service of the search for truth.
8. A life of total dedication to the truth also means a life of willingness to be personally challenged. The only way that we can be certain that our map of reality is valid is to expose it to the criticism and challenge of other map makers. Otherwise we live in a closed system, within a bell jar. Yet because of the pain inherent in the process of revising our map of reality, we mostly seek to avoid or ward off any challenges to its validity.
9. The expression of opinions, feelings, ideas and even knowledge must be supressed from time to time in the course of human affairs. What rules, then, can one follow if one is dedicated to the truth?
a. Never speak falsehood.
b. Bear in mind that the act of witholding the truth is always potentially a lie,
and that in each instance in which the truth is witheld a significant moral
decision is required.
c. The decision to withold the truth should never be based on personal needs,
such as the need for power, a need to be liked or a need to protect one's
map from challenge.
d. The decision to withold the truth must always be entirely upon the needs
of the person or people from whom the truth is being witheld.
e. The assessment of another's needs is an act of responsibility which is so
complex that it can only be executed wisely when one operates with
genuine love for the other.
f. The primary factor in the assessment of another's needs is the assessment
of that person's capacity to utilize the truth for his or her own spiritual
g. In assessing the capacity of another to utilize the truth for personal
spiritual growth, it should be borne in mind that our tendency is generally
to underestimate rather than overestimate this capacity.
All this might seem like an extraordinary task, impossible to ever perfectly complete, a chronic and never ending burden, a real drag. And it is indeed a never ending burden of self discipline, which is why most people opt for a life of very limited honesty and openness and relative closedness, hiding themselves and their maps from the world. It is easier that way. Yet the rewards of the difficult life of honesty and dedication to the truth are more than commensurate with the demands. By virtue of the fact that their maps are continually being challenged, open people are continually growing people. Through their openness, they can establish and maintain intimate relationships far more effectively than more closed people. Becasue they never speak falsely they can be secure and proud in the knowledge that they have done nothing to contribute to the confusion of the world, but have served as sources of illumination and clarification. Finally, they are totally free to be. They are not burdened by any need to hide. And ultimately, they find that the energy required for self discipline of honesty is far less than the energy required for secretiveness.
10. It is necessary that the higher centers of our brain(judgement) be able to regulate and modulate the lower centers(emotion).To function successfully in our complex world it is necessary for us to possess the capacity not only to express our anger but also not to express it. Moreover, we must possess the capacity to express our anger in different ways. At times, for instance, it is necessary to express it after much deliberation and self-evaluation.
The ten points above are only merely small portions of Scott Pecks insights, and in his book, he includes true patient scenarios (as he is a psychiatrist by profession), to illustrate the concepts and the contex of his views. How fascinating!
A must read for those in search of meaning, of understanding, of love, of responsibility and above all, the search for answers to our subconscious deepest darkest confusions.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Musings of a 29 year old...

Wither the years as an innocent mind wandering through the abysmal world we call life, in search of meaning and answers. Every moment, we are faced with REAL situations requiring REAL foresight + REAL answers, leading to REAL repercussions..
I guess we all have lessons learnt through our lifes, and i would like to share mine. Some may say its total gibberish, and other may say they're 'pearls of wisdom', but to me, they are my opinions and musings, crafted from lifes very pits and challenges, and who knows, a 100 years later, maybe someone would find them 'moving' and put them in my memoirs..ha ha..
1. Living a life of principle and morale is tough, and most times, very lonely. Principles and morale are subjective, but right & wrong arent. If ones principles and morales are closely knit to the rights and wrongs of life, then we are not far off from living a life of truth and without hypocrisy. Inner peace matters...and well worth the sacrifice..
2. The lonely path stated above gets even lonelier as we age, when we realise we are more selective in the company we keep, as people who do not share similar belief and ideology of life as you, will eventually cause you to feel ridiculously uncomfortable in their company. The need for quality(good company) overshadows the need for quantity { large numbers of people around you all the time = No lonely Saturday nights ;) }, which negates the traditional cliche that 'company' = 'security'.
This is an offspring of loneliness as such, as we yearn true company, people who are true to you and to themselves, who have a heart, coupled with a fairly decent EQ & IQ..Do we make amends to our principles then? What then happens to feeling secure, being a part of something bigger than yourself and your beliefs? Inner peace takes time and thought....but well worth the sacrifice..
3. Principles are finite rules we slowly develop from the ongoing analysis of everything in our lifes + lessons thought from religious teachings(the basis being goodness). How sure that all our principles are flawless? Should we make levy for change and adaptation...Y..e..s, we must!..As we mature, our understanding changes, and thus, principles too will have to be 'updated' accordingly...
4. The search for answers, of understanding of our surroundings and of people is a noble pursuit, to me at least. Why? Assumptions and hypothesising, shown time and time again, are surely preludes to catastrophe, especially when it comes to issues of the heart, and of those who matter. I am sorry i ask reasons from you, you who i care for, but its ONLY so that i understand you better and be a better person around you. What other reason can there be?
How many times have you faced a situation, stemming from 'sitting by the sidelines' based on assumptions, without the incling to go the extra mile, and just ask whether he/she is ok? Whats so wrong in asking a dear person, ,'is everything okay? ', ,'do you need to talk'..or just take the time to tell the other,' everything will be allright in the end, just dont give up'...Is this so difficult, so wrong..are we intruding by taking the time to find out whats hurting those who we care the most? Sometimes, assuming all is fine and dandy can be disasterous. How could we possibly know the depth of pain and hurt another maybe suffering? We can only guess...and is guessing enough to lend a helping hand, to gauge the severity of the situation...I honestly dont think so, and if the person truly matters, we should willingly step down from our pedestal of bliss to help, if it means putting in time and effort thats not expected of you...
5. Its lonely being analytical all the time, for people literally do not enjoy the company of the voice of reason, so to speak, for they feel that the 'voice of reason' = 'voice thats never wrong'. NOT TRUE. The 'voice of reason' cares so much that they supercompute all their knowledge and ability to the sole purpose of helping the ones that matter, sifting thru all their experiences and acument, hoping to find a sensible answer to eleviate the burden of their loved ones, and if this makes them appear too sensible most times, it is not their intention at all, or to appear all knowing. They just care, period.
6. How far is the boundaries of care? To what lengths does one travel to proof beyond words that he does care? To lengths that would make another shudder in disbelief?...lengths that dont make sence?....lengths that raise doubts? doesnt matter. He believes in you, he believes in caring without tiring, he believes in a greater good, a 'nicer happy place' so to say without pretentiousness, and this belief can beckon infinite effort. The human spirit is limitless..With purpose, that P..U..R..E feeling that we're doing something good for someone we truly care for, and thats divine.....
7. Why is the best way always the tougher way? No victory is sweet without adversity, period. When a solution is too simple, with all outcomes laced in sugary detail, rest assured, something is amiss. Be wary, take time, and a solution will present itself. If its a pursuit worthy of blood, sweat and tears, whats there to compain?
8. The purest of intentions are sometimes the hardest to convey, but you MUST try..
9. The sincerest of intentions are sometimes the hardest to proof, but you MUST try..
10. The ones you love the most are sometimes the hardest to convince, but you MUST try..
11. The ones that make you appreciate life and give you the WILL to excel & the WILL to live, sometimes, can let you down so hard, it feels alike your whole world is caving in on you..But dont you give up just yet..That resolve to 'win' back the one we love,the ones we care, is in all of us and giving up is the EASY WAY OUT, but SURELY not the best. PERSEVERE, and you'll be suprised...
12. 1,000,000 rights still DOESNT make something right, period. Stick to your beliefs, principles, family and friends, and always seek to improve them & cherish them, as even when they are the most flawed, THEY are, ALL that which stand between you and a pretentious world waiting to suck you into their empty shells of daily monotony, a world void of passion and colour..p.s I also think that HE truly works his wonders through them too :)
13. LIVE & LOVE & CHERISH & CARE t..o..d..a..y, and tomorrow will fall into place. Waiting for TOMORROW, to fully live only then, DOES NOT befit squandering today of its riches and warmth. TOMORROW maybe too long to wait AND it may not be all that sugar and spice and everything nice..Why hold back from truly being the best we can be, for TOMORROW? For a tomorrow that holds not promise of perfection.I think,' TODAY WELL LIVED, IS A WINDOW OF WHAT LIES AHEAD TOMORROW'.
14. Saying thank you when its due, smiling when the world doesnt expect it, a friendly pat on the back, coffee breaks on a busy day, a honest compliment from time to time..WILL make a difference, and they go further than anything worldly. They require the least effort, at the oddest of hours & just a little foresight and thought..but..its worth it....
15. Always be kind when its not expected of you, you'll be suprised..
16. Always hold hurtful words till the moment of anger is over, and set it aside, you'll be suprised how delightful it is to not have to use them..for more often than not, we tend to hurt the ones we love and care the most for, just because they're around all the time to TAKE THE PUNISHMENTS by default.Remember, they have a softer heart, and thus need more tact on our part..
17. Always be respectful to those around you, irrespective of age and creed. Ever seen a little baby not smile at someone making a clown face, and the 'clown' not smile back and melt inside?
18. Always be honest, you'll be suprised how many people appreciate that..
19. Do what you say and say what you mean, you'll be suprised how far that goes in someone books, especially when crunch time comes..
20. Be true to the ones you love and care for, to your family, to God and to yourself. Dont waste life correcting wrongs that stem from selfishness and ignorance. Let it be a pleasant journey from the word go, with its ups and downs, like all things, in itself lessons in life that must happen for us to grow up..
You'll be suprised how easy it is to close your eyes at night, when you know you've been true, kind and honest to the ones who matter...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I wish..

1. People would reserve DOUBT & JUDGEMENT for the people around them that dont really matter.

2. People would accept that the ones they care for, who have proven time and time again, who ALWAYS have the others interests at heart { EVEN in odd / extremely 'doubtful' / easy to 'JUMP to wrong conclusion inducing' circumstances}, DO WHAT THEY DO WITH THE BELIEF that caring means we put the interests of those who matter ahead of our own...'TheIR best interest at heart' , true to the word...Its always easy to throw hurtful words, especially when one cannot fathom the idea that some people out there DO care to such extent that they HONESTLY stand in the line of fire for others...

3. People would sometimes accept that there IS such a thing as LOYALTY. The easy way out may not be the best in the long run, and perserverance is a challenge. It is always easy to abandon and flee at the sight of the first obstacle, and pretend that that WAS INDEED the right thing to do, but YOu know thats cowardice and sad..

4. People would have FAITH in the ones that care for them, enough to be OPEN MINDED to seemingly ridiculous assumptions as to why they did what they did, on a leap on faith, or IF REALLY doubt is RAISED, to ask for an explanation.

5. People would have the HEART to not persecute based on ASSUMPTIONS, no matter how TRUE the ASSUMPTIONS may APPEAR, because, nothing beats knowing for sure, and to know for sure, all one needs to do is ask.

6. People not take lightly the limitless capacity of the ones that care to prod along every minute of every hour of every day, HOPING & WISHING that the other has not got you all wrong, for even angels fall and may sometimes never get up again...

7. People would STOP being pretencious, for GODS sake, being pretencious is something you cannot HIDE from and if sticks out like a sore thumb!

8. People appreciate being on TIME.

9. People DO what they say they'd DO, and not constantly be COERSED / REMINDED to do so. We're all adults, be reasonable.

10. People wouldnt constantly put the ones that CARE for them on the SPOT at all times, and throw a fit at the slightest aberrancy. The hearts of the ones that care are more supple and demand more sensitivity.

11. People should stop being INDIFFERENT / CAREFREE when it comes to maintaining good friendship. Good things in life take effort to ignite, and more effort to maintain, but the outcome is PRICELESS.

12. People should make it a point to perform AT LEAST one RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS everyday, especially to the ones they care for, WHOLE HEARTEDLY, for kindness is the worldly deeds that bring out the human in all of us, and such deeds, albeit small in denominaton, ARE momentous in meaning & precious reminders that we matter after all.. ;)

13. People should MAKE CONSCIOUS MENTAL NOTES on the good things, the good people and the good deeds that come their way and not take for granted the ease in which they receive, but also the effort behind it, the thought behind it, the sincerity behind it and above all, the purity of it all.

14. People would just LIVE and not wait for a reason to LIVE.

15. People would just be KIND and not constantly justify why kindness is too sacred to be shared.

16. People would just be MORE FORGIVING and not keep old scores persistently and use & abuse them when they feel like it.

17. People should CHERISH the ones that care, be it family or friends in their own way and not leave them wondering whether they mean something and whether they're doing it all wrong.

18. People should not WAIT for a REASON, SEASON or LIFETIME to say or show they care. It only takes a split second (a smile perhaps), or minutes ( a friendly call perhaps), hours ( coffee break with loads of succulent choco moose perhaps) or loads of $$$ (a brand new car perhaps,*haha..just felt like breaking the seriousness of it all).

19. People should OPEN THEIR HEARTS and KEEP THEIR GUARDS MARGINALLY UP, not KEEP THEIR GUARDS FOREVER UP and CLOSE THEIR HEARTS for fear of being let down or dissapointed.

20. GOOD THINGS DONT COME EASY, NEITHER DO THEY COME WITH INSTRUCTION MANUALS. The ones that care or who you care about also can fall, can astray, can lose hope..not that they want to, but they too are humans. To be by their side when the storm hits and to wait it out with them, and not only share the sunny gleeful days, is what true relationships are made of..
I wish life glitters always, for you and I. ;)
.The end..

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Our roles in life : Prospective vs Retrospective?

I had this really interesting chat last Saturday bout the whole concept of existence and the different roles we play, then the statement we are here for a 'reason, season, or a lifetime' came up all of a sudden, not by me, but by a member of the chat team. It had seems that due to our dear Miss Facebook and her lovely forward button, this saying had travelled the world.

Then THE question was posed, if indeed this statement holds true, do we fix our roles before jumping into a bond, or is it the other way round?

Let me explain, the questioner said this, if we predetermine that we will only be acquantainces/friends for a season, how much are we willing to do for this person, if our role is only limited by this statement?

The eternal question is, which came first, the 'egg or the chicken'..Similarly, are our roles predetermined, or does life itself, wonderfully lived thru struggles and heartaches = The final determinant?
The chat was underway, sleeves roled up, biceps flexed, lipsticks reapplied*(for females only okaay), curles straigtened, and hairs were made into buns :) What would the answer be? Some people would feel that this is an OPEN AND SHUT CASE, no need for elaboration..I say its the opposite of the chicken and egg dilemma..No end in sight, the chat was turning nasty..cups of coffee were added to the equation, hoping a quick answer would save the day...

Is it wrong of me to say that i believe we determine our roles only at the end of OUR journey..that we give it our all, be ourselves, offer kindness unconditionally, and see how far we go with one another, building strong bonds as we go along? Are we 'saving' the better qualities of ourselves ONLY for the ONE, and until that 'being' surfaces, we behave half heartedly,SAVING THE BEST OF OURSELVES, so as to NEATLY AND SYSTEMATICALLY ATTACK the ONE once the one when he/she is identified?

I say nay!
If this were true, that this is the ONLY TRUE MEANS OF 100% SURITY OF GRAPSING MR/MS RIGHT, how much of ourselves do we keep tucked away till the day comes, if it does come, that we are acquainted with THE ONE?

Do we tuck away the best of ourselves, so much of ourselves, that it eats us up without knowing it...Becasue WE ARE TRICKED INTO FEELING so so so so UNMISTAKABLE, that when the certain someone comes along, our Pandoras box of self accumulated wealth will pour out with such VIGOR and CERTAINLY MESMERISE THE OTHER?

My rationale, being unorthodox, drew doubtful looks from the crowd, and I was gunned down for failiing to comply. But am i all that wrong? What are we waiting for? Are we afraid we will get tired of being who we are when the TRUE MS/MR RIGHT comes along, THAT WE JUST CANNOT FOLLOW THROUGH ANYMORE? But if indeed the above statement IS true, our lifes should be preordained and everyone should come with a label on their foreheads saying 'short term friend','long term friend','enemy' or 'soulmate'..but we all know this isnt true. Shouldnt our destiny be determined at least after 3/4 of the journey or 3/4 of the effort, if indeed our intentions are pure?
Shouldnt a role be finalised retrospectively and not prospectively?

What say you to the idea, that based on OUR actions and personality, and our ENTWINED FATES, will the ROLE of the other be CLEARER..nothing is written yet, or even better, nothing is chiseled in our lifes and in our hearts, as yet, as its for US to decide by the day, everyday...Put a boy in an island alone and he is a survivor, put him in a field and he is an athlete..what happens when you put an 'athlete' on a 'island' and tell him ,'you're a athlete, behave as one? Expecting him to run lapses around the deserted island?.
Our roles change, courtesy of our surroundings,coupled with the need for us to be more than who we are, to be the pillar of support for those around us when support is needed and to be more than we could ever dream of! We are only limited by our lack of imagination, by our fears...

Let our actions, our care, our kindness, our charm, our honesty, our true self and by CIRCUMSTANCES..ONLY these + THE COURSE OF OUR LIFES = Be the determinants required to label someone, if he's a person who will last a season, or only for a reason, or more than that..NO ONE COMES WITH ONES ROLES PREFIXED AND HIS DESTINT PREORDAINED, or does he? It is your actions + thoughts + willingness to better ourselves that define us and our role, and as we evolve, so will our role..and thats what i'd like to call hope..We all have second chances....

Yes this is tiring, to be positive thru many, to be strong and be let down, to be happy and then deserted, to smile when there is no guarantees, but hey, isnt this what its all about..?

How would we feel if we went into housemanship and labels of our carrier be tattooed on our foreheads like lab rats, eg: U = PAEDIATRICIAN ,HE = OBSTETRICIAN, SHE = DUMBO CHRONIC MO, ME = ANESTHETIST.

I believe this, dont you?

Where is the freedom and joy in having a role preordained, and not subject to blossom from sheer passion, relentless drive, ambition and neverending effort?
I guess for me, Gilda Radner said it best (the top most caption)

It was an interesting Saturday after all....