Saturday, August 02, 2008

Musings of a 29 year old...

Wither the years as an innocent mind wandering through the abysmal world we call life, in search of meaning and answers. Every moment, we are faced with REAL situations requiring REAL foresight + REAL answers, leading to REAL repercussions..
I guess we all have lessons learnt through our lifes, and i would like to share mine. Some may say its total gibberish, and other may say they're 'pearls of wisdom', but to me, they are my opinions and musings, crafted from lifes very pits and challenges, and who knows, a 100 years later, maybe someone would find them 'moving' and put them in my memoirs..ha ha..
1. Living a life of principle and morale is tough, and most times, very lonely. Principles and morale are subjective, but right & wrong arent. If ones principles and morales are closely knit to the rights and wrongs of life, then we are not far off from living a life of truth and without hypocrisy. Inner peace matters...and well worth the sacrifice..
2. The lonely path stated above gets even lonelier as we age, when we realise we are more selective in the company we keep, as people who do not share similar belief and ideology of life as you, will eventually cause you to feel ridiculously uncomfortable in their company. The need for quality(good company) overshadows the need for quantity { large numbers of people around you all the time = No lonely Saturday nights ;) }, which negates the traditional cliche that 'company' = 'security'.
This is an offspring of loneliness as such, as we yearn true company, people who are true to you and to themselves, who have a heart, coupled with a fairly decent EQ & IQ..Do we make amends to our principles then? What then happens to feeling secure, being a part of something bigger than yourself and your beliefs? Inner peace takes time and thought....but well worth the sacrifice..
3. Principles are finite rules we slowly develop from the ongoing analysis of everything in our lifes + lessons thought from religious teachings(the basis being goodness). How sure that all our principles are flawless? Should we make levy for change and adaptation...Y..e..s, we must!..As we mature, our understanding changes, and thus, principles too will have to be 'updated' accordingly...
4. The search for answers, of understanding of our surroundings and of people is a noble pursuit, to me at least. Why? Assumptions and hypothesising, shown time and time again, are surely preludes to catastrophe, especially when it comes to issues of the heart, and of those who matter. I am sorry i ask reasons from you, you who i care for, but its ONLY so that i understand you better and be a better person around you. What other reason can there be?
How many times have you faced a situation, stemming from 'sitting by the sidelines' based on assumptions, without the incling to go the extra mile, and just ask whether he/she is ok? Whats so wrong in asking a dear person, ,'is everything okay? ', ,'do you need to talk'..or just take the time to tell the other,' everything will be allright in the end, just dont give up'...Is this so difficult, so wrong..are we intruding by taking the time to find out whats hurting those who we care the most? Sometimes, assuming all is fine and dandy can be disasterous. How could we possibly know the depth of pain and hurt another maybe suffering? We can only guess...and is guessing enough to lend a helping hand, to gauge the severity of the situation...I honestly dont think so, and if the person truly matters, we should willingly step down from our pedestal of bliss to help, if it means putting in time and effort thats not expected of you...
5. Its lonely being analytical all the time, for people literally do not enjoy the company of the voice of reason, so to speak, for they feel that the 'voice of reason' = 'voice thats never wrong'. NOT TRUE. The 'voice of reason' cares so much that they supercompute all their knowledge and ability to the sole purpose of helping the ones that matter, sifting thru all their experiences and acument, hoping to find a sensible answer to eleviate the burden of their loved ones, and if this makes them appear too sensible most times, it is not their intention at all, or to appear all knowing. They just care, period.
6. How far is the boundaries of care? To what lengths does one travel to proof beyond words that he does care? To lengths that would make another shudder in disbelief?...lengths that dont make sence?....lengths that raise doubts? doesnt matter. He believes in you, he believes in caring without tiring, he believes in a greater good, a 'nicer happy place' so to say without pretentiousness, and this belief can beckon infinite effort. The human spirit is limitless..With purpose, that P..U..R..E feeling that we're doing something good for someone we truly care for, and thats divine.....
7. Why is the best way always the tougher way? No victory is sweet without adversity, period. When a solution is too simple, with all outcomes laced in sugary detail, rest assured, something is amiss. Be wary, take time, and a solution will present itself. If its a pursuit worthy of blood, sweat and tears, whats there to compain?
8. The purest of intentions are sometimes the hardest to convey, but you MUST try..
9. The sincerest of intentions are sometimes the hardest to proof, but you MUST try..
10. The ones you love the most are sometimes the hardest to convince, but you MUST try..
11. The ones that make you appreciate life and give you the WILL to excel & the WILL to live, sometimes, can let you down so hard, it feels alike your whole world is caving in on you..But dont you give up just yet..That resolve to 'win' back the one we love,the ones we care, is in all of us and giving up is the EASY WAY OUT, but SURELY not the best. PERSEVERE, and you'll be suprised...
12. 1,000,000 rights still DOESNT make something right, period. Stick to your beliefs, principles, family and friends, and always seek to improve them & cherish them, as even when they are the most flawed, THEY are, ALL that which stand between you and a pretentious world waiting to suck you into their empty shells of daily monotony, a world void of passion and colour..p.s I also think that HE truly works his wonders through them too :)
13. LIVE & LOVE & CHERISH & CARE t..o..d..a..y, and tomorrow will fall into place. Waiting for TOMORROW, to fully live only then, DOES NOT befit squandering today of its riches and warmth. TOMORROW maybe too long to wait AND it may not be all that sugar and spice and everything nice..Why hold back from truly being the best we can be, for TOMORROW? For a tomorrow that holds not promise of perfection.I think,' TODAY WELL LIVED, IS A WINDOW OF WHAT LIES AHEAD TOMORROW'.
14. Saying thank you when its due, smiling when the world doesnt expect it, a friendly pat on the back, coffee breaks on a busy day, a honest compliment from time to time..WILL make a difference, and they go further than anything worldly. They require the least effort, at the oddest of hours & just a little foresight and thought..but..its worth it....
15. Always be kind when its not expected of you, you'll be suprised..
16. Always hold hurtful words till the moment of anger is over, and set it aside, you'll be suprised how delightful it is to not have to use them..for more often than not, we tend to hurt the ones we love and care the most for, just because they're around all the time to TAKE THE PUNISHMENTS by default.Remember, they have a softer heart, and thus need more tact on our part..
17. Always be respectful to those around you, irrespective of age and creed. Ever seen a little baby not smile at someone making a clown face, and the 'clown' not smile back and melt inside?
18. Always be honest, you'll be suprised how many people appreciate that..
19. Do what you say and say what you mean, you'll be suprised how far that goes in someone books, especially when crunch time comes..
20. Be true to the ones you love and care for, to your family, to God and to yourself. Dont waste life correcting wrongs that stem from selfishness and ignorance. Let it be a pleasant journey from the word go, with its ups and downs, like all things, in itself lessons in life that must happen for us to grow up..
You'll be suprised how easy it is to close your eyes at night, when you know you've been true, kind and honest to the ones who matter...

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