Sunday, October 12, 2008

Friends who live in 'lala'land..need to be cooked! Haha..

Have you ever come across people who say things and do things that annoy you but later are oblivious to doing those things? I think they are in a world of their own. 'Crummy denialites' who go around being oblivious to the hurt they have caused, and when they feel like it, turn around and look suprised when people are not happy with them, unwilling to give in to them to return the 'pseudo'world they invented to the 'happy' world they desire.

Some of us are non-fighters. We give in to those around us whom we care for, and let the small things go by, without lashing at them, only because the truth is, people do make mistakes, even the best of us.

But what if these 'crummy denialites' do something of really irratating proportions, then go into prolonged obliviousness and then suddenly, out of the blue, demand that things get back to the way they were JUST because they want it to be, not willing to acknowledge that what they did to cause this uneasy situation is something terrible to begin with? Something that isnt forgivable easy? Do we retaliate with our arsennal of weapons of mass destruction, nuclear even, to gain control of a situation lost? And to what extent? Should we constantly be the first step, even after telling the other, or hinting, that all IS not well and they've done something wrong to cause this uneasiness?

When do we know to just let them be? And the hurt that their ignorance has caused? While they themselves, in blissfull ignorance, brand you as too sensitive and that what has happened CANNOT be faults of theirs in any way possible?

Its funny how this works. War on one side, and peace on the other? Is that how life is, sooner or later? Is this how things also are in Ellysium?

Well, as practical and forgiving as we are, practicality and forgiveness are gifts we should save for loved ones, who have in the past, proved time and time again, that they are wonderful people who have made our world complete.

To those who border this reality, they should be so careful not to think they fall into this category and expect the perks too. How selfish can they be? Conveniently ignorant and hurtful and at the same time, put no effort into the resolution, but wanting complete forgiveness and life be 'rewinded' to that moment when all was hunky-dory..I like the audacity of hopers, such is the irony philosphy...

Why do you think they yearn this unfair outcome for themselves? Impregnable selfishness? Self centeredness of bastardly proportions? They think the world is their oyster or 'lala'? Ha ha..Think again..

I think deep down, they yearn the comforts of being in the company of people who do care, who put effort where effort was not expected of them, people who believe in living with as just and principled as the mind sees, and above all, sincereity.In a world built on lies and cheats, wouldnt you yearn the company of someone/s who are above all, never willing to compromise on goodness, and thus their existence around you is as true as you get? Lending meaning to the phrase, 'you are the friends you keep'?

Then someday, these very people, who exude sincerity and care without second thoughts, aid in making life seem right, and that your world is meaningful with people who DO care alot?

Sometimes, i think people like this shouldnt be accorded this luxury. Such relationships are works in progress, not sudden eruptions. They are that voice from the other end saying 'its ok' when 'its not okay'. They are the 'smiles' that come after the hurricane of problems that have ambushed us unexpectedly, and they pick up the pieces with us. They are proove that we are important in this life, thats why they are there for us. Should such luxuries be deserved by lesser mortals who take us for granted and are then oblivious about it, only to keep being oblivious about it? IS this fair?

Its funny how i relate this to a short line from Die Hard 4.0, where in one scene, the terorists show on TV, the line which sounds a little like this,' what if in an emergency, you call for help and help is not there?'....

God blesses us with people who are that voice of reason. They appear in our lifes, leave a mark and hide in the shadows, looking over us with their presence. In harms way, they shine for us. In troubles, they hold our hands. Even if Armageddon is minutes away, they text us saying goodbye and they miss us. To me, no gift in this world, beats having a friend like that. And to take such people for granted when times are good, and leave them wondering what they did wrong, and then want things to get back to the way they were only to satisfy selfishness and ego, now thats a cardinal mistake, and in the realm of meanigful friendships, is punishable by Guillotine..To me at least..

If we spend time and effort investing in empty pursuits, why not, put a little effort and try and work on relationships that matter, people who do care for us in a world full of pretentious leeches who are just waiting to suck us dry and leave us to rot, people who wish us well, when they have no strengths left even..

Such a friendships take insurmountable effort and consistency..But in the end, we would have found, that pot of Gold at the end of the rainbow, after the rain...and that is what its all about..

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