Saturday, September 06, 2008


I wish there were a simple way to explain things, and it not be complicated all the time. Can anything be simple anymore? I miss being a child, without worries, basking in ignorance. True to simplicity, all a child cares is whats on TV, whats for dinner and whats going to happen in school tomorrow +/- other things..
Have you ever felt that 'awareness' is really a curse? Awareness + a conscience = A horrible curse.When a person is aware of something, either by himself of after being pointed out by someone, and if conscience is also rife, how does one carry on,disregarding the new found awareness? The answer is, one cant.
Being strong is tiring. Being hopeful is tiring. Being caring is tiring. Being fair is tiring. Being truthful is tiring. Being consistent is tiring. Being non judgemental is tiring. Being sincere is tiring. Being unhippocritical is tiring. Hoping for hope is tiring. Alas, its tiring to be aware. Its lonely to be aware. Its lonely to be tired all the time. Its tiring to be lonely all the time. But isnt there supposed to be a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Hopefully when the pot is found, gold has value, meaning.Please God let there be..
Who cares anyway. Oh wait, hope does not allow one to give up the search for meaning. But till what end? Hopeful a near end. No point finding the answers at a point of life where life itself is not livable. Please God let life make sence then..
Please God, let me have the strength to carry on the good fight, for me and the ones i care for. Please dont le me give up before the fight is won, and before the rays of heaven shine down on all of us..
Please God, forgive me for my ignorance, stupidity, assumptions and moments of weakness.
Please God, take care of all of us, of those i care for and me, from harm, from bad people, from difficulty, from suffering.
Please God, let hope be real, and guide us all, to a worthy, fulfilling end.
Please God dont give up on me and the ones i care for..
A colleague and friend has passed away a few days ago. Her youthful exuberance will always be remembered. Life is indeed short. Life is surely unpredictable. Lets make each day count. She made each day count, and when her time came, it made no sence.
Maybe our idea of time and HIS idea of time is different? Is it the quality vs quantity?
Maybe so. She so lived.
Like how Andy Dufreynne, from the 'Shawshank Redemption' once said,'If you're not busy living, you're busy dying'.
Lets get busy living. Its the living we can steer, the dying we leave to the powers that be.
Yee Hoon, I know you're in a better place. You were always a gentle, kind and cheerful person. You were always a humble and capable doctor.
God bless you wherever you are, and always look out for all of us okay.
Take care.

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