Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I wish..

1. People would reserve DOUBT & JUDGEMENT for the people around them that dont really matter.

2. People would accept that the ones they care for, who have proven time and time again, who ALWAYS have the others interests at heart { EVEN in odd / extremely 'doubtful' / easy to 'JUMP to wrong conclusion inducing' circumstances}, DO WHAT THEY DO WITH THE BELIEF that caring means we put the interests of those who matter ahead of our own...'TheIR best interest at heart' , true to the word...Its always easy to throw hurtful words, especially when one cannot fathom the idea that some people out there DO care to such extent that they HONESTLY stand in the line of fire for others...

3. People would sometimes accept that there IS such a thing as LOYALTY. The easy way out may not be the best in the long run, and perserverance is a challenge. It is always easy to abandon and flee at the sight of the first obstacle, and pretend that that WAS INDEED the right thing to do, but YOu know thats cowardice and sad..

4. People would have FAITH in the ones that care for them, enough to be OPEN MINDED to seemingly ridiculous assumptions as to why they did what they did, on a leap on faith, or IF REALLY doubt is RAISED, to ask for an explanation.

5. People would have the HEART to not persecute based on ASSUMPTIONS, no matter how TRUE the ASSUMPTIONS may APPEAR, because, nothing beats knowing for sure, and to know for sure, all one needs to do is ask.

6. People not take lightly the limitless capacity of the ones that care to prod along every minute of every hour of every day, HOPING & WISHING that the other has not got you all wrong, for even angels fall and may sometimes never get up again...

7. People would STOP being pretencious, for GODS sake, being pretencious is something you cannot HIDE from and if sticks out like a sore thumb!

8. People appreciate being on TIME.

9. People DO what they say they'd DO, and not constantly be COERSED / REMINDED to do so. We're all adults, be reasonable.

10. People wouldnt constantly put the ones that CARE for them on the SPOT at all times, and throw a fit at the slightest aberrancy. The hearts of the ones that care are more supple and demand more sensitivity.

11. People should stop being INDIFFERENT / CAREFREE when it comes to maintaining good friendship. Good things in life take effort to ignite, and more effort to maintain, but the outcome is PRICELESS.

12. People should make it a point to perform AT LEAST one RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS everyday, especially to the ones they care for, WHOLE HEARTEDLY, for kindness is the worldly deeds that bring out the human in all of us, and such deeds, albeit small in denominaton, ARE momentous in meaning & precious reminders that we matter after all.. ;)

13. People should MAKE CONSCIOUS MENTAL NOTES on the good things, the good people and the good deeds that come their way and not take for granted the ease in which they receive, but also the effort behind it, the thought behind it, the sincerity behind it and above all, the purity of it all.

14. People would just LIVE and not wait for a reason to LIVE.

15. People would just be KIND and not constantly justify why kindness is too sacred to be shared.

16. People would just be MORE FORGIVING and not keep old scores persistently and use & abuse them when they feel like it.

17. People should CHERISH the ones that care, be it family or friends in their own way and not leave them wondering whether they mean something and whether they're doing it all wrong.

18. People should not WAIT for a REASON, SEASON or LIFETIME to say or show they care. It only takes a split second (a smile perhaps), or minutes ( a friendly call perhaps), hours ( coffee break with loads of succulent choco moose perhaps) or loads of $$$ (a brand new car perhaps,*haha..just felt like breaking the seriousness of it all).

19. People should OPEN THEIR HEARTS and KEEP THEIR GUARDS MARGINALLY UP, not KEEP THEIR GUARDS FOREVER UP and CLOSE THEIR HEARTS for fear of being let down or dissapointed.

20. GOOD THINGS DONT COME EASY, NEITHER DO THEY COME WITH INSTRUCTION MANUALS. The ones that care or who you care about also can fall, can astray, can lose hope..not that they want to, but they too are humans. To be by their side when the storm hits and to wait it out with them, and not only share the sunny gleeful days, is what true relationships are made of..
I wish life glitters always, for you and I. ;)
.The end..


~Yasmin ~ said...

"GOOD THINGS DONT COME EASY, NEITHER DO THEY COME WITH INSTRUCTION MANUALS. The ones that care or who you care about also can fall, can astray, can lose hope..not that they want to, but they too are humans. To be by their side when the storm hits and to wait it out with them, and not only share the sunny gleeful days, is what true relationships are made of.."

-Mu,that hit me hard..:(i guess we're all not that great and always want more than what we give...sigh..am missing u!

Murali said...

Whatever situation we find ourselves in, sometimes voluntary or especially involuntary, we can mend, if our intentions are pure and the recipient is someone we truly care for.

Mistakes,however harsh too can be reversed if we mean well yet did not know how to show it.

There ALWAYS is hope Yas, and remeber, you have a beautiful heart, a caring persona & the fire of youth, and though life, more often than not throws us curveballs, i KNOW things WILL be okay in the end if you STAND TOUGH and TRY HARDER each time.

Good things to good people right? ;)

Take care..

Missing you too! ;)